To Sleep With Pachamama - Reviews
So the anthology Subversion: Science Fiction & Fantasy Tales of Challenging the Norm (Crossed Genres Publications), came out a few weeks ago, and the reviews are starting to trickle in. Got some nice reviews for my story ‘To Sleep with Pachamama’ here:
A side note: I think there might be a positive and negative to being the last story in an anthology. On the positive side – editors want to bookend an anthology with strong stories. The first story has to be good to get the reader into the book. The last story has to be good to leave the reader with a good feeling after finishing the book. But on the flip side, in a themed antho, a reviewer (or reader) could be tired of the theme by the end of the book, or have run out of things to say about stories. I don’t know if anyone has ever studied this, but it was something that popped into my mind.
At 6:55 PM ,
joy4one said...
Hey Caleb! Just started reading "The Vanishing Sea". I'm looking forward to more of your works. I'm glad I found you again!
At 7:02 PM ,
joy4one said...
Hey Caleb! Just started reading "The Vanishing Sea". I'm looking forward to more of your works. I'm glad I found you again!
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