A Stone's Throw

practice your aim. you never know when you'll spy 2 birds at once.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

At work in the Galapagos

One day, while wandering the streets of Santa Cruz in the Galapagos, I saw a shop filled with extraordinary sculptures. I entered and soon met the creator, Segundo Ruiz. We hit it off immediately and when I told him that sculpture was always something I've wanted to do, he offered to take me to his studio to show me his work. After the initial traditional exchange - him showing me his finished pieces and works in progress, and me showing him all the art pieces I've been working on through my South American trip - he invited me to study in his studio while I was there.

So for over a week, I studied the craft of sculpting - the sanding, the hammering, the carving, the sharpening, and the designing. Here's a few photos of that series of events:

Segundo specializes in sculpting tortoises, iguanas, seabirds, seals, morays, etc. And, as I came to find out, has his work displayed in museums and galleries around the world.

His chairs are especially amazing, as they incorporate the design of some creature into the overall shape of the chair. Each one of these is at least waist-high.

One of my favorites on display. One similar to it sold the next day for 1500$!

The indoor/outdoor studio of Segundo Ruiz. You can see the massive pieces of wood he uses for his creations.

Here, at his home, he carved a massive bed frame of sea creatures. On the bed is his cute kid, Teo.

The tools of a sculptor.

Segundo, meticulously carving a little tortoise for a gallery show. All with a mallet and chisel.

Me, at work.

A slightly better picture of the piece I was working on. You can see the torso and tail taking shape as well as the dorsal scales that divide at the top into 2 heads. I didn't have the time to finish the sculpture, but Segundo says he will finish it so we have a project we created together.

The tool I became very familiar with.


  • At 10:58 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Learning to sculpt wood from a master of the trade, Very cool. From your last post it sounds like your in the US of A. Drop me a line. Lots to tell. And from the sounds of it lots to hear about. Hope all is well. Darin

  • At 11:14 PM , Blogger Jack Meier Gallery said...

    Do you know how to contact Segundo? I stayed in his home with the family in the summer of 2006. I am the godson of his youngest child.

    Michael Chmiel

  • At 7:26 PM , Blogger EdyRuiz said...

    hola saludos Caleb Jordan Schulz me encuentro sorprendido con su blog le agradesco mucho su historia acerca de su visita en galapagos.
    me gustaria que vuelva a visitarnos pronto estoy muy aradecido por promocionar mi arte !!!
    estare esperando para terminar una obra juntos !!! att Segundo Teo Ruiz

  • At 7:28 PM , Blogger EdyRuiz said...

    Michael saludosme sorprende ver su comentario muchas gracias por todo le recordamos siempre y esepramos su visita...att Teo

  • At 7:29 PM , Blogger EdyRuiz said...

    Michael saludosme sorprende ver su comentario muchas gracias por todo le recordamos siempre y esepramos su visita...att Teo


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