A Stone's Throw

practice your aim. you never know when you'll spy 2 birds at once.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Florida, New Mexico, Wisconsin, & Minnesota

I tend to snap a lot of pictures. Here are some from my recent trip south to west to northeast to northwest and then back south west again. (it makes sense if you follow my trip on a map)

Primordial mangrove trees up the St. Mark's River in Florida's panhandle.

You can't get much cooler than owning a spaceship house. This one was designed by New Mexico's Bart Prince

Massive dinosaur lawn ornaments in Prince's front yard.

Mmmm. Chiles. By drying them and hanging them, they are preserved and good to use for some 2 years.
The most unwelcome street in the history of streets.

Classic Joker Maki and Batman baby Maki, Logan, whose adamantium hasn't fully formed yet.

Home of the best meat you might ever eat.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Family Reunion

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to time my arrival back to the States with my Aunt Susan and Uncle Tom's annual Barn Dance. There's nothing quite like Vermont in Autumn with the trees in their full palate of color highlighted by the rich evergreens that roll over the mountains like a green sea. It's a grand place.

But, to me, the dance is a time to see family again: my parents, sisters, brother-in-law, nephews, aunt and uncle, and extended family. And this fall there was a new addition to the family, little Mia. Mia is a sweet girl, newly adopted from China. She's still quite shy, but I will get to know her as she adjusts to her new life and family in New England.

The Barn. A huge structure, though seems small compared to the mountain backdrop.

Wandering the woods just before sunset. The crunch of leaves underfoot is one of the best sounds of the Fall.

It's difficult to show the intense colors of Vermont; the blue sky against the yellow and orange and red leaves was spectacular.

My cool nephew, Noah.

My sister, and fellow world-traveler, Greta with little nephew Gabe debating if he will join in the dancing.

Annah, my youngest sister and master texter.

My wonderful Mom and Dad.

Gabe and little Mia. What a great smile she has!

Mia, considering dashing off on some solo exploration, as any good child should do.

Gabe, or, as he is known among mob-types, 'Gabe the Fist'!

[ This is where the picture of Nephew Joe would've gone, but he was so busy dancing, that all his pictures are just a blur of color and light. Cheers, Joe! ]