Ray Gun Revival - New Issue Out
Just recieved word that the latest issue of Ray Gun Revival, Issue 56, is available. Included in this issue is my story, 'The Vnimajici'. This is a light-hearted tale set at a wedding reception in Cali, Colombia, where a new bride, Carlita, had wanted everyone in the universe to attend her wedding. She hadn't expected robots too.

Check it out. It's free!
At 8:01 AM ,
Noelle said...
I like it. Somewhere you've learned something about either women or robots.
At 6:03 AM ,
Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...
Thanks for this. I hadn't heard of the pub before. I could always use a new market to submit to.
At 5:14 PM ,
Steve S. said...
Finally got Adobe reloaded so that I could read this story. Reminds of Goulart or maybe Sheckley in a lighter vein. Good job!
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