A Stone's Throw

practice your aim. you never know when you'll spy 2 birds at once.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Just received word that my story 'Child of Viracocha' has been short-listed for "Beware The Night', an upcoming anthology published by Prime Books, and edited by Ekaterina Sedia - an award-winning writer and editor.

Now, for those who don't know what short-listed means, it essentially means that out of the hundreds (sometimes thousands) of story submissions, my story has been set aside in a much smaller group out of which the final stories will be selected. It's kind of like trying out for a professional sports team and out of hundreds of people, you make the temporary 25-person squad. But this squad will be re-looked at and then cut down to 10.

I suppose, continuing the analogy, this means that if I don't make the cut, I'd be heading to a D-league or triple AAA.

Either way, it's nice to be recognized and considered for this anthology.

- C

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CG - Year 2

This just announced: My story 'The Vanishing Sea' has been picked to be included in Crossed Genres Best of 2010. The story initially appeared in the January issue with a folklore theme.

This anthology will be available in hardcover later this year. I'll be sure to post links for those that are interested in picking up a copy.
