A Stone's Throw

practice your aim. you never know when you'll spy 2 birds at once.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Somewhere Over America

February 1, 2007 - Connecticut

Hello All,

It's been a while since I was blogging consistently, but I needed a break to concentrate on other things. So, sorry about the layoff, but I'm back.

As part of my year-long project, I had to begin a new book on January 1st. At first the writing was arduous, then it turned to painful, after that it became like an addiction. If you're addicted to smokes, sweets, lovely caffeine, gambling, or QVC, then you know what its like. You simply just do it and think about it after.

The words came in little dribbles and great downpours, but they came. The end of January loomed near and it became a race to the finish. I pressed on with just the right combination of stubbornness and inspiration.

It came down to day 30, sitting on a plane at 17,000 feet, scrawling frantically in a notebook in dim lighting. But I was able to ink 'fin' before the plane touched down. Clocking in at just over 200 pages is 'The King Of York', a riotous tale involving the United Nations, Wall Street, the ancient Black Pharaohs of Nubia, a string of murders, and a mystery as old as the humanity itself.

So, with a smile, I welcome 'The King Of York' to the world. 2007 shall be a good year.

- c


  • At 5:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As I am sure it has!


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