A Stone's Throw

practice your aim. you never know when you'll spy 2 birds at once.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dale Carothers' Bright Wings In The Ebony Hall

Got word today that my friend, Dale Carothers, had one of his stories ('Bright Wings In The Ebony Hall' - published in Electric Spec Magazine) nominated for The Harper Pen Award 2009. This is great news for him, but also for me, as I edited this story.

This is another reminder that our edits, rewrites, ideas, and committment are paying off. It takes a long time to make headway in such a huge industry as publishing, but when it happens, it feels fantastic.

Congrats to Dale.

- Cheers

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Received word recently that my story 'Gonzalo's Luisa' has been shortlisted for the book anthology Fire & Ice. It's not a sale, but it essentially means the story has made it to a short list from where the final published works will be selected. This is great news for me because I knew when I wrote the story that it would have difficulty finding a home. It's written in the magical realism vein, and though some magazines will consider MR among other fantasy submissions, this story has an element of romance to it that I'm sure some magazines will shy away from. So, I keep my fingers crossed.



Monday, March 01, 2010


I'm happy to announce that my story, '8 Minutes', previously published in Atomjack Magazine, has been nominated for the Million Writers Award - an award presented to the best short stories published online in 2009.

There are loads of other great stories nominated, so I'm not holding my breath for a win, but it's nice to be recognized.

