Project Update
Just a quick update for the curious.
As of a couple days ago, I reached the halfway point in the new novel I am writing. And now, as of this afternoon, I am on Chapter 18, of a planned 28 chapters. Oddly, I didn't come here to write this novel, I came to finish the one I was in the middle of. But yet, upon arriving here perspectives and ideas changed. And I could not be happier I stepped away from the other book. At times the muse guides where it pleases and there is little you can do about it.
I fully expected to be inspired by coming to South America again, but never would've dreamt of being this prolific for this many weeks. It's crazy, but there it is. Sometimes you just can't plan for what occurs, but instead must simply roll with it and see how the cards fall. It's like planning life using the Jim Canapa Gambling Method, go for it all and see where you end up.
Funny thing is, I saw him win more than I saw him lose.
Thanks for taking all my money Jim.
You taught me a valuable lesson.
- a C-note
As of a couple days ago, I reached the halfway point in the new novel I am writing. And now, as of this afternoon, I am on Chapter 18, of a planned 28 chapters. Oddly, I didn't come here to write this novel, I came to finish the one I was in the middle of. But yet, upon arriving here perspectives and ideas changed. And I could not be happier I stepped away from the other book. At times the muse guides where it pleases and there is little you can do about it.
I fully expected to be inspired by coming to South America again, but never would've dreamt of being this prolific for this many weeks. It's crazy, but there it is. Sometimes you just can't plan for what occurs, but instead must simply roll with it and see how the cards fall. It's like planning life using the Jim Canapa Gambling Method, go for it all and see where you end up.
Funny thing is, I saw him win more than I saw him lose.
Thanks for taking all my money Jim.
You taught me a valuable lesson.
- a C-note